Member-only story

Ephemerality and The Power of Now

Lisa Pearlman
2 min readApr 10, 2023

Do you feel limited by your physical body, or by your mortality?

Because humans have minds, we are able to create stories and analyze our existence, which usually hinders our growth, weakens our connection to God and nature, and distracts our attention to the present moment.

Flowers are without minds, and so without interference from thoughts or mind, they bloom to their full potential with ease, expressing their divine essence and eternal beauty in the present moment. They are aligned with God and nature.

As with flowers, our physical ephemerality does not diminish our worth — on the contrary, it serves God as a vehicle through which we express our divinity in physical form, allowing us, as representatives of God, to access the tools to design an eternal masterpiece.

The legacy we leave behind, our impact on the world, outlasts our transient physical presence and honors our life and our divinity eternally.

Just like when an artist immortalizes a flower with paint or film, it does not make the flower less beautiful or less worthy. It captures a fleeting moment in time for one particular flower, making it eternal by expressing its unique and special divine essence, which outlasts the physical flower.



Lisa Pearlman
Lisa Pearlman

Written by Lisa Pearlman

Empath/HSP; Writer/Poet, iphoneographer, MentalHealth Counselor, MindsetCoach, DigitalMarketer; BA Psychology; Animals-Meditate-Consciousness-Hiphop-Peace&Love

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